My Xeriscape

Let me guide you through my xeriscape,
Where we can walk on the dew dripping grass.
Watching how the plants take shape,
We’ll gambol down the narrowing path.

There will be flowers all around,
And the air will have the scent of wilderness.
Where the humming of birds is the only sound,
And your heart is brimming with elation and nothing less.

Atop my childhood friend; my maple tree is where,
We’ll build our own little tree house,
And from its window we’ll have the seashore to look upon.
While we sit on its branches with our feet dangling,
I’ll make sure to play you your favourite song.

And at the end of each day when we’ll see the sun setting at the horizon spraying the sky with different hues of heat.
I’ll let your head rest on my shoulder and wrapped in a blanket of soft leaves,
We’ll cuddle together and fall asleep.

~ Megha Bhartiya 💜


Daily Prompt Word – Branch
Daily Prompt Word – Song

16 thoughts on “My Xeriscape

  1. This piece of poetry is just adorable laced with the ambrosial aroma of love and spilled with the ink of the nature. A beautiful response to the prompt. Creative and fresh!
    Amazing work!
    Happy Women’s Day! (in advance)

    Enigma :) <3

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Madame this is so so so beautiful . I loved this poemo Madame , this was so so all adorable . As my Madame’s beautiful mind always purses the beautiful elements of picturesque and imaginable hover cone , this was a recital that wins a thousands of hearts , as my Madame had it a shown 😄😄😊. See Madame how I felt so happy when I read my Madame’s poemo 😄😊😊
    ” I wonder an ultranatural scape ,
    Had in my Madame’s heart engraved ,
    I twinkle a simple dripple of inkle
    Of just how beautiful does my Madame makes it beautiful abase ,
    Then I start a chuckle
    In the ivory closet of my dear little brain .
    While cutter scope is a cheery to the millionus kinder to a wondrous little brain ,
    High in intentions , pulsing in the glory of legendary and togetherness a Dane ,
    Madame how can I pour my heart out ,
    When I was so beautifully overwhlemed , just so happily bowed , as I read my Madame’s poetry to the end , that settled my croppy little blood chain ” 😄😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That was not more ostentiously pleasing than my Madame’s write , as beautiful as it so always is Madame 😄😊😊. And Madame , NAAAAAAAHHIIIIII , AHAAAN 😭😭😭😭, MADAME THANKED ME AGAIN 😭😭😂😭😂😭😭😭

        Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s becoming a habit of mine; everytime I read one of your poems-to wish I could write them so beautifully.
    It’s just wonderful Megha. In it’s utter loyalty to the message, not trying to infuse it with too many tough words, in it’s adherence to keeping the reader engaged till the very last line. It’s just all the more beautiful when you know not everyone can write like this.
    Love. It. Very. Much💜💜💜

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ayesha, it honestly baffles me how you can be so sweet and beautiful with your words. Every comment of yours, every feedback, all of it always makes me smile. And believe me the feeling of wishing you wrote that when you read a lovely piece of poetry or prose happens to me too, every time I read your compositions.
      Thank you so much Ayesha!
      – Megha 😄💜

      Liked by 1 person

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